Healthy Housing Is
A Human Right
The DC Healthy Housing Collaborative (DCHHC) is a coalition of many organizations working together to improve the health of District of Columbia residents by making sure their homes are safe and free of harmful exposures such as pest, mold, and lead.
The relationship between poor housing conditions and certain health problems such as asthma and lead poisoning is well-documented. Children are especially vulnerable. Everyone in a home runs the risk of becoming sick when the roof keeps leaking, the basement regularly floods, or cockroaches, mice and other pests roam freely through the house.
Any home can have such problems, but houses in poor neighborhoods are far more likely to have chronic issues. In D.C., race, income, and neighborhood too often predict the potential for poor housing conditions that can lead to serious health problems.
The DC Healthy Housing Collaborative (DCHHC) helps individuals and families take the steps needed to keep their homes safe. We also invite other organizations to learn more about our work and join our movement.
We define healthy housing as housing that is safe, low cost, low barrier, and free of harmful exposures such as pests, mold, and lead.
Let's Talk Numbers


77% of DC housing was built prior 1978 (34% before 1940) and is likely to contain lead-based paint.
Over 21% of DC households have severe housing problems.